Reba Zumberge has been fighting neuroblastoma, a tumorous cancer since she was diagnosed at 6 months old.
Reba has undergone chemotherapy and is now 13 months old. Although she is not disease free yet, the cancer has responded very well to treatment and the tumor has shrunk a significant amount. The countless trips to Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital and missing work continues to be a financial challenge for the family. Thank you deeply for a contribution that will affect Reba directly.”
-Leah Zumberge
Dear POSS Foundation –
I have suffered from severe Ulcerative Colitis (UC) for over 10 years. I have 4 children so this disease to say the least has been extremely challenging both financial and physically in my day-to-day life. I lost over 30 lbs. at my lowest point and was hospitalized for malnutrition due to an extreme relapse of the treatments I was taking.I’ve been on various expensive medications over the years. Also, surgery for ulcerative colitis usually involves removing the entire colon and the rectum. Removal of the colon and rectum is the only permanent cure for ulcerative colitis and recommended surgery for patients who have had years of severe colitis and responded poorly to medications.
Recently, the founder of the POSS Foundation, JoAnn Moffitt heard about my illness and reached out and paid for me to be tested for any foods which I may be allergic to and have an adverse affect to my treatments and diet.
The test results revealed that I was highly allergic to Gluten and Yeast. Now with the help of this knowledge, I am able to digest foods which do not adversely affect my diet and I am able to work with my medications and treatments better.
I can’t thank the POSS Foundation and JoAnn Moffitt for caring enough to help me feel better. My life is almost back to normal and I can keep up with my children and family needs!
With great affection,
-Sarah Solorzano
Dear POSS Foundation –
Years ago I suffered from lactose intolerance but miraculously I no longer do; however, I was not aware that I also had other food sensitivities. Within in the last year JoAnn Moffit, the founder of the POSS Foundation, heard about my situation and suggested that I be tested for food allergies/sensitivities. She even PAID for me to have the test done. And as it turns out I am wheat/gluten sensitive. Now I am on a gluten-free diet and feel much better and even lost some weight.I would like to thank the POSS Foundation and JoAnn Moffit for caring enough to help me feel better.
-Christine Gunter
My story may not be any different than a lot of other woman, but for me and my daughter it is different. The past couple of years have really been hard and the scariest time in my life. I am a single parent, a victim of an abusive relationship, and had no visible means to provide for myself let alone my 6-year old child. I’ve never had to deal with such harsh financial hardship, even though this has been my life since August 2011 (the day I left an abusive relationship) it’s still a way of life that I can never get used to, and no one should have to.
I don’t think any woman aspires to becoming a victim or survivor of a physically abusive relationship but it happened to me, and I gained a whole new determination for protecting my child and turning my life around.
That’s what The Foundation has helped me do, turn my life around and give me a second chance. I was being evicted by my landlord because I was 2 months behind in rent, and barely a week to move out. My daughter and I then lived in a shelter program for 6 months. Then with the help of Lorene Poss Foundation, I was able to move into an apartment which became a real home for my daughter and close to the local school for her. The Foundation helped me qualify for an apartment and paid a portion of the rent until I could get back on my feet. They also helped with car repair costs, so now I am able to drive to work every day. They also helped me find a stable job and with their recommendation I now have a means of supporting myself and my daughter.
The Lorene Poss Foundation helped me gain my self-respect and pride back, allowing me to be self-sufficient and take care of my daughter. Having a roof over our head is the best feeling in the world, and to be able to have a job and earn enough money for food and gas is truly a blessing. It has been that much needed support for me and my daughter, especially when we had no friends or family to turn to.
I am very grateful to say my family and I have been helped tremendously by the Poss Foundation. We had reached a point in our lives where we were stuck living with unwanted company, in an area that we could never consider home, and beginning our own family along with taking on the care of my ailing mother. At this point we didnt know who to turn to or what to do. Luckily we had ties to this foundation and people have been sweet enough to offer donations.
These donations are what have helped us get by with food, a place to call home and provide for our little one. Times are hard and knowing that there are still such beautiful people in the world that only want to help is what gives me hope and ambition to be able to do the same for others. I have been blessed in so many ways and I thank everyone that has helped me. I thank the Poss Foundation for providing me with hope for the future.
-Sydnee Staley, Darius Chiorano, Genevieve Chiorano
My Son Hudson was born with CFD (Congenital Femoral Deficiency.) This condition causes his left leg to be shorter than his right. If left untreated his limb discrepancy would be greater than six inches. Because so few doctors are familiar with Hudson’s condition we needed to fly to Florida to see a Specialist for treatment. This would also require us to stay in Florida for 3 months. Without the Lorene Poss Foundation all of this would not have been possible and Hudson would still be dealing with this condition today. With the help of the Foundation we were able to fly to Florida where Hudson had limb lengthening surgery and treatment and is living a very full and active life today.
I cannot thank Joann Moffitt and the Lorene Poss Foundation enough for helping Hudson receive this life changing Surgery.span>
-Lisa Townsend